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Robert DeMarzoVice President, Channel EventsChannel Partners

Robert DeMarzo is a high-tech veteran with extensive knowledge and background in IT sales, channels and midmarket. DeMarzo possess a deep knowledge of MSPs, agents, distribution, IT solution providers, tech suppliers, CIOs and senior IT leaders developed over the years in numerous leadership roles. He witnessed the channel's formative years and its evolution to where it is today as the primary way technology services are delivered to businesses around the globe. As VP of Content for Informa Tech Channels he oversees event content and strategy for the Channel Futures media division and the Channel Partners Conf. & Expo which is the tech and telco industry's largest channel conference. He is responsible for the development and extension of Channel Future's media brands including the iconic MSP 501. He was previously SVP of Event Content & Strategy for The Channel Company responsible for the content for IT integrator, CEO, CIO, IT security & emerging tech events including XChange, Best of Breed, Midsize Enterprise Summit, Women of the Channel and the IoT Connex brands.
