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State of the Tech & Telco Channel: Industry Outlook, Trends, & Opportunities

Jay McBain  (Chief Analyst, Canalys)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 705

Date: Tuesday, March 12

Time: 10:45 am - 11:20 am

Pass Type: All Access, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Track: Business of the Channel Track

Vault Recording: TBD

We are in the middle of a major transformation of how companies in all industries go to market. This is being driven from the top, as 82% of CEOs plan to invest more in partnerships in 2024, given a backdrop of market uncertainties, structural changes in the economics of partnering, new customer buying journeys and a surge in subscription/consumption models. Complicating matters is the rapid shift in vendor strategies driving most MSPs and agents to now consider partnership ecosystems as the key ingredient to survival and their success. Scaling your services business requires a re-examination of the people, processes, programs, and technology that got ou this far. In this session, attendees will learn what an ecosystem-friendly strategy looks like and how the fastest growing partners in the world are taking advantage of one. Join Jay McBain from Canalys as he unpacks these future trends and gain away with actionable advice on the changing tech market and how to thrive in broader channel ecosystems.