2024 Agenda
Vendors Are from Mars, MSPs Are from Venus
Rich Freeman (Chief Content Officer, Channel Mastered)
Erick Simpson (Chief Strategist, Channel Mastered)
Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 703
Date: Monday, March 11
Time: 11:25 am - 12:00 pm
Pass Type: All Access, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!
Session Type: Conference Session
Track: Business of the Channel Track
Vault Recording: TBD
Vendors and MSPs can't grow without each other, but too often end up talking past each other due to miscommunication, misaligned needs, and misplaced expectations. This session will explore how different goals and priorities on sales strategy, sales process, sales enablement, and more can cost both communities money, and offer practical, specific advice on eliminating that friction to drive greater revenue and profit for all.