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David RussellCEOManage 2 Win

David Russell has been in the computer industry since 1982 (before many of his clients were born). Don’t let that scare you. He has the energy of someone decades younger, plus the wisdom that comes with all those decades of MSP and industry experience. Russell’s Manage 2 Win and Hire the Best systems are modeled after how pro sports teams execute what he calls the 4 Management Disciplines: How you hire, manage, develop, and retain top performing players on your team.

He includes coaches, players, hiring tryouts, workouts, scrimmages, scorecards, and more in the M2W/Hire the Best vocabulary. Russell and his team invest their time restoring and rejuvenating teams to perform their best. This involves coaching, broader consulting, and training based on his 3T Process. He also considers contract positions. For 16 months ending in December 2023, he was a large MSP’s VP of Service Delivery managing 110 people in the USA and India.

Russell, whose Manage 2 Win management consulting firm is located in Granite Bay, CA, is the author of five books, the creator of over 100 lessons on business soft skills, and the podcast host of over 290 episodes.
