2025 Agenda
Wednesday’s Wild Welcome: The Five Best Sales Tips You’ll Ever Hear
Matthew Toth (Founder, C3 Technology Advisors)
Robert DeMarzo (Vice President, Channel Events, Channel Partners)
Location: Level 2 (Main Level), Keynote Room, Venetian Ballroom F
Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 8:50 am - 8:55 am
Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference, Expo + Keynote, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!
Session Type: Keynote
Vault Recording: TBD
Well, it is early Wednesday morning, you’re in Las Vegas for the final day of a long event. That means anyone assembled in the keynote room is serious not only about their business and the channel but about selling -- especially if you call yourself an agent or technology advisor. For the early birds out to catch the worm, guess what, you came to the right place because in just five short minutes you are going to hear advice about selling that will change your life. So let’s dispense with the pleasantries and get right into it—the five most important, most compelling and most relevant pieces of advice you are going to hear about selling your brand, services, products and solutions to customers. We will sit with one of the quintessential salespeople in the channel -- an individual who lives, breathes and sleeps sales – and walk through the five best pieces of sales advice you will hear at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo. By the way, if you disagree, we hope you will take to our LinkedIn Channel Partners Network or another social media site to voice your opposition. For those who agree, we expect support via rousing applause. Have we sold you on the value of the session yet? If not, shame on us!