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The Shared Responsibility Matrix: The Next Big Thing in Service Delivery

Joy Beland  (VP, Partner Strategy and Cyber Education, Summit 7)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 705

Date: Monday, March 11

Time: 11:25 am - 12:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Track: Technology & Innovation Track

Vault Recording: TBD

The MSP industry is just beginning to understand a concept that will be sweeping the channel in 2024: the shared responsibility matrix (SRM). Common sense tells us there has always been a shared responsibility between end-user organizations, service providers and the vendors who supply the technology or the professional services to support them. But now, as we see increasing liability with cyber insurance, cyber regulations and compliance requirements, we're faced with transitioning from our stated capabilities in marketing materials or conversation to a documented delineation of responsibility for all players in our industry.

Starting with Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and soon trickling through the veins of our ecosystem, we must learn what is involved in the documentation of where one's MSP/MSSP responsibility starts and another's ends. Layer in the vendor capabilities for each area of security and you have a multilayer SRM.

So, what does an SRM document look like? How does it impact your service delivery, selection of tools in your security stack and vendor selection, and how does it create value in your client relationships?

Based on her experience as a Certified CMMC Assessor and CMMC Provisional Instructor, and one who has taught 300 students in the Certified CMMC Professional bootcamp, Joy Beland will leverage the CMMC program guidelines as an example for how these important questions are answered and, more importantly, how our channel ecosystem will prepare.