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Speak Locally, Globally, with Accent Translation from Sanas

Anant Singh  (VP of Global Sales, Sanas)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 701

Date: Tuesday, March 12

Time: 2:15 pm - 2:50 pm

Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference, Expo + Keynote, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: MVP Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Ascent Business Partners

Imagine a technology that allows for a personal choice around the voices you hear. Imagine increasing foreign language fluency, addressing communication challenges between global teams and customers, and providing a more pleasant, concise and comprehensive experience for the caller and the agent. is doing exactly this. Sanas is the world's first accent translation technology and the only one available in the channel. By using Sanas, single words or phrases can be altered for clarity and accent preference at the users' discretion. Make sure to attend the Sanas session to hear how they are creating a more connected, friendly, and empathetic world by revolutionizing how we all communicate. Sanas is breaking down barriers one conversation at a time and now you can bring this technology to your customers.