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Real-World Cloud Repatriation

Dany Bouchedid  (CEO, COLOTRAQ)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 705

Date: Monday, March 11

Time: 3:20 pm - 3:55 pm

Pass Type: All Access, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Track: Technology & Innovation Track

Vault Recording: TBD

After years of rapidly shifting resources to the cloud, organizations are realizing they may have made some mistakes. Big cloud, it turns out, is not the best fit for every use case and application and often comes with downsides in terms of cost, performance, security and availability. The upshot has been an accelerating trend toward workloads being repatriated from the cloud back to on-premises, physical architecture or hybrid systems. Through actual use cases and partner experiences on cloud repatriation deals, the session will offer insight into the growing opportunities, help partners identify markets and prospects and understand the sales process of cloud repatriation.