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MSPs Tell All: Secrets to Revenue Expansion with Cybersecurity Services

Jason Fenoglio  (Cybersecurity Practice Manager, High Touch Technologies)

Corey Ayers  (Director of Product, ArmorPoint)

Donovan Farrow  (CEO, Alias Cybersecurity)

Ashley Capps  (Chief Marketing Officer, ArmorPoint)

James Melchor  (CIO, DYOPATH)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 703

Date: Wednesday, March 13

Time: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference, Expo + Keynote, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Partner Breakout Sessions

Vault Recording: TBD


Adding cybersecurity services to your portfolio can be easier than you might think. Learn how three MSPs expanded their service offering with comprehensive cybersecurity program management solutions. Go behind the scenes to hear candid insights on the go-to-market strategies, success stories and lessons learned each organization experienced throughout their journey.