2025 Agenda
Marquee Keynote: The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Chris McChesney (Global Practice Leader of Execution, FranklinCovey Co.)
Location: Level 2 (Main Level), Keynote Room, Venetian Ballroom F
Date: Tuesday, March 25
Time: 12:55 pm - 1:45 pm
Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference, Expo + Keynote, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!
Session Type: Keynote
Vault Recording: TBD
There are many ways major initiatives in an organization can fail. Some go down with a loud crash while others get slowly and quietly suffocated by competing priorities. By the time they finally disappear, it's likely no one even notices. But whether your last project went down with a bang or a whimper, it was likely the victim of poor execution. The whirlwind of urgent activity required to keep your business running day-to-day devoured all the time and energy you needed to invest in executing your strategy. Chris McChesney, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of “The 4 Disciplines of Execution” who serves as the Global Practice Leader of Execution for Franklin Covey, will use this session to lay down the law on how channel leaders can execute better. His formula for success includes the following four principles:
- Focus on the Wildly Important Exceptional execution starts with narrowing the focus— clearly identify what must be done, or nothing else you achieve really matters much.
- Act on the Lead Measures Twenty percent of activities produce 80% of results. The highest predictors of goal achievement are the 80/20 activities that are identified and codified into individual actions that must be tracked fanatically.
- Keep a Compelling Scoreboard People and teams play differently when they are keeping score, and the right kind of scoreboards motivate the players to win.
- Create a Cadence of Accountability Great performers thrive in a culture of accountability that is frequent, positive, and self-directed. Each team must engage in a simple weekly process that highlights successes, analyzes failures, and course-corrects as necessary, creating the ultimate performance-management system.