2024 Agenda
Maintaining Security in the Age of Mobile Everything
Neil Farquharson (Director of Sales Engineering and Marketing, ConectUS Wireless)
Greg Tiedeman (Executive Vice President of Sales and Operations, ConectUS Wireless)
Jason Smith (Regional Sales Manager - Cybersecurity Team, OpenText)
Michael Lane (Director, Samsung)
Jude Fils-Aimé (Associate Director, Enterprise Security Solutions, Verizon)
Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Galileo 905
Date: Tuesday, March 12
Time: 10:45 am - 11:20 am
Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference - Get your pass now!
Session Type: Conference Session
Track: Technology & Innovation Track
Vault Recording: TBD
As we expand our use of mobile technology, we increase the number of endpoints that can be attacked. Security becomes further complicated as we leverage the efficiencies of enabling work to be done on any device at any location. More than ever, we need better device management and security.
Our panel of experts will articulate the challenges of enhancing the security of mobile devices and the data they store or access, of enabling centralized management of mobile devices regardless of their location or operating system, and of supporting the user experience with seamless troubleshooting.
We'll also discuss the benefits of enhanced productivity and cost optimizations that are enabled by the typical MDM and EDM solutions that are available today. Without pitching any particular commercial solution, we'll focus on how SMBs and enterprise businesses can gain value from these solutions and what functionalities buyers and selling agents should focus on.