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Hire Salespeople Like a Pro Sports Team

David Russell  (CEO, Manage 2 Win)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 805

Date: Tuesday, March 25

Time: 11:05 am - 11:35 am

Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Salespeople are the hardest players to add to your team – because they’re the best actors. So says David Russell, CEO of Manage 2 Win. Rusell’s advice is to approach building a sales staff as if you were building a professional sports club. The problem is too many leaders hire on emotion rather than systematically. They fall for people who think they can sell, but these players would never make it to the pros. Lots of so-called salespeople trying out for your team only know how to sell themselves, they could never score a point in a real sales game. In this session, attendees will hear an alternative: Hire salespeople by following a pro sports franchise model. The best pro teams in the business attract, assess, and add superstars plus complimentary role players to form a cohesive championship team. In this session, Russell will show channel partners how to attract the best players to their hiring tryout, assess how well players match your company’s culture and requirements, and how to successfully bring new players into the squad.