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Creating a Culture of Accountability

Kam Kaila  (President, IT by Design)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Marco Polo 803

Date: Monday, March 24

Time: 10:40 am - 11:10 am

Pass Type: All Access, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Vault Recording: TBD

MSPs face the challenge of making impactful investments to build high-performing organizations. Offering competitive compensation packages, building strong reputations, and providing robust service delivery tools are essential, but often, the most critical investment—nurturing company culture—is overlooked.

This session, led by industry expert Kam Kaila, President of IT By Design, dives into actionable strategies for fostering a culture of accountability within your organization. Attendees will gain insights into the latest techniques for addressing inefficiencies and avoiding common pitfalls that hinder productivity. Channel leaders will hear a practical framework for integrating accountability into their management approach, offering tools to foster transparency and responsibility. Applying these principles will help attendees refine their management and leadership skills, enhance team cohesion, and cultivate a positive work environment that drives success for both employees and customers. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a globally recognized leadership trainer, who will offer proven strategies and practical techniques to transform your business culture into one where accountability drives success and fosters sustainable growth.