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Beyond the Hype: Real World AI Use Cases

JP Panzica  (CEO, Accelerate Partners)

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Galileo 903

Date: Tuesday, March 25

Time: 11:05 am - 11:35 am

Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Track: AI Symposium

Vault Recording: TBD

Yes, there is still plenty of hype around AI but it is already making tangible differences in the real world. It may take some work to find proof of that, but Accelerate Partners CEO JP Panzica knows exactly where to look. This case study presentation showcases how forward-thinking channel partners are harnessing AI's power to address pressing business challenges, spark innovation, and uncover new revenue streams. He will delve into specific industry examples such as how AI-driven fraud detection systems protect sensitive data and save millions in the financial services sector and how AI-powered predictive maintenance minimizes downtime and optimizes production in manufacturing. In healthcare, AI enables faster and more accurate diagnoses, leading to improved patient outcomes. These case studies will provide partners with the metrics needed to measure the ROI of AI investments, and how to articulate the value of AI even to skeptics. Attendees will leave knowing exactly how to integrate AI into their channel strategy and propel your clients' businesses forward.