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AI Symposium: Leading Partners Forward In AI Monetization

Location: Level 1 (Lower Level), Galileo 905

Date: Tuesday, March 25

Time: 1:55 pm - 2:25 pm

Pass Type: All Access, CP Conference, Expo + Keynote, MSP Summit Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Session

Track: AI Symposium

Vault Recording: TBD


Everyone is talking about how artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the business landscape and with it the go-to-market models of channel partners and their customer engagement. However, opinions vary on how to make money from AI. Some partners are way ahead of the curve when it comes to selling AI solutions while others struggle. It’s typical of seismic shifts in the tech industry where partners are trying to cross the chasm and lead customers forward. As 2025 unfolds, now is the time for all channel leaders to lock in their AI strategy to grow in the year ahead. This featured discussion in the AI Symposium will explore the specifics of AI’s ability to revolutionize channel operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. Leading vendors at the symposium will Introduce relevant AI tools and platforms that channel partners can leverage today. Attendees will hear how key AI technologies, products and services can be used now, and what will be available in the near future. Speakers will identify possible roadblocks and show partners how to overcome them. The symposium will cover AI use cases in the channel, and how AI can be used to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. It will also provide useful information on integrating AI into channel operations and processes. A key takeaway for all will be the knowledge and tools needed to successfully harness AI and stay ahead in today's competitive market.